
Name and Surname of the Academic:

Metin Eke

Title, Department:

Prof. / Instrumental Performance

Areas of Study:

Turkish Folk Music, Sight-Singing and Theory, Bağlama.

Bachelor’s degree/Masters/ Doctorate:

Graduate Studies in Arts: (Music), İTÜ - Institute for Social Sciences, 1999;
Master of Arts: in Music, İTÜ – Institute for Social Sciences, 1994;
Bachelor of Arts: Turkish Folk Music, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 1991

İTÜ E-mail:

Web address (Personal or academic):



He was graduated from the Department of Music Science "Temel Bilimler" at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Turkish Music State Conservatory

In 1990-91 academic year. He was graduated as an M.A degree from Social Sciences Institute at Istanbul Technical University in the academic year 1993-94 and started to work as the lecturer position at Turkish Music State Conservatory (ITU) in 1996.

He took in part in several international concerts and music festivals to promote Turkish Folk Music like;Ireland in 1990, Netherlands in 1991 and 1997, Syria in 1994 as both performing the music instrument and at the same time as a singing artist. He also took in part in several concerts and music festivals in Turkey as well.

He graduated as Sufficient in Art "Sanatta Yeterlilik" degree in 1999-2000 academic year from Social Sciences Institute at Istanbul Technical University the the the dissertation titled "Erzincan-Merkez İlçedeki Ezgilerle İdil-Ural Bölgesindeki Ezgilerin Mukayesesi ve Sonuçları". He was promoted and got his Assistant Prof. degree in 2002 and Associate Prof. degree in 2009 at Turkish Music State Conservatory (ITU).

He published the his books titled “Erzincan Folkloru” in 2005 and “Erzincan ve İdil-Ural Bölgesi’ndeki

Ezgilerin Pentatonik Bakımdan Benzeşmesi” in 2014. He released his music album titled “Dile

Gelen Türküler” with the collaboration of Taşkın Müzik Production company.

He achieved his Prof. degree in 2014 at Turkish Music State Conservatory (ITU) and still going on giving lessons there in Turkish Folklore Music Solfeggio and Music Theory and at the same time as master of the instrument called " The Bağlama” at the same university.