
Name and sirname of the Academic:

Elif Özen

Title, Department:

Res. Asst. / Musicology Department

Areas of Study:

Semiotics of Music, Analysis of Makam Music

Bachelor’s degree/Masters/ Doctorate:

Master of Arts: 2016;
Bachelor of Arts:Musicology, İTÜ, 2012;
Bachelor of Arts: Mathematics, Kocaeli University

İTÜ E-mail:


Web address (Personal or academic):



She has been a graduate student at İTÜ, Center for Advanced Studies in Music department and research assistant in musicology department of the Turkish Music State Conservatory. As bachelor degree, she has graduated from mathematic department from Kocaeli University in 2012 and musicology department of Istanbul Technical University Conservatory in 2016. The name of the graduation thesis that she completed with the consultancy of Ozan Baysal is “Word Painting Instances in Mevlevi Music”. She has worked in Tubitak project that is called “Mevlevi Ayinleri’nde Söz Boyama” in between 2017-2018. As one of the outputs of the project, the article named “Mevlevi Ayinleri’nde Söz Boyama İzleri” was published in Porte Akademik Journal [1]. At the IX. Hisarlı Ahmet Symposium, the submitted paper name was “Beste-i Kadim’lerden Dede Efendi’ye Mevlevi Ayinleri’nde Söz Boyama” [2]. Besides, she is still learning classical kemence from Mahinur Özüstün and Emre Erdal.

  1. 1) Özen, E. Baysal, O. Mevlevi Ayinleri’nde “Söz- Boyama” İzleri. Porte Akademik Müzik ve Dans Araştırmaları Dergisi. Sayı: 16. 2017.
  2. Özen, E., Demirtaş, S., Baysal, O. Beste-i Kadimler’den Dede Efendi’ye Mevlevi Ayinlerinde Söz Boyama. IX. Uluslararası Hisarlı Ahmet Sempozyumu Tam Bildiri Kitabı. 2018.