
Name and Surname of the Academic:

Cihangir Terzi

Title, Department:

Prof. / Instrumental Performance

Areas of Study:

Bağlama, Musical Instruments Methodology, Turkish Folk Music Solfege and Theory, Turkish folk Music Choir and Orchestra

Bachelor’s degree/Masters/ Doctorate:

Graduate Studies in Arts: İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, Turkish Folk Music Department, 1992;
Master of Arts: İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, Music Major Department, 1988,
Bachelor of Arts: İstanbul Technical University, Turkish Music State Conservatory, Basic Sciences, 1986

İTÜ E-mail:

Web address (Personal or academic):



He was born in Çermik/Kaynak village of Şenkaya / Erzurum in 1965. He finished secondary and high school education in İstanbul and completed his undergraduate education at İTU Turkish Music State Conservatory, Basic Sciences Deparment in 1986. In 1988 he completed Graduate education and in 1993 Proficiency in Art at ITU Social Sciences Department.

Beside his duties in Conservatory between 1987-1993 he worked as a Baglama Artist at Natioal Radio and Television (TRT) in İstanbul. In various times he worked as Assistant Director of Education at ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory, director of Music Theory department and and Musical Instruments Department, director of Main Department of Music Technologies and director of ITU Social Sciences  Institute  Main Art Department of Performance. He worked in active tasks at education

construction of secondary, high school, undergradute and graduate departments of conservatory. He worked as one of main figures to prepare protocols of different Municipality Music Academies by ITU TMDK to support and construct common-public education.

Between 2005-2007 by the assignment of The Ministry of Foreign Affais of Republic of Turkey and under the auspices of Educational Affairs Office of Consulate General of Essen, Germany, he realised the educational and performing studies of Baglama and Turkish Folk Music in Essen and Dortmund cities. Within the framework of his artistic work he acted as performer, conductor, lecturer and director of various concerts, radio and television programs. He submitted musical theory, technic and historical reports in various symposium, congress, panels, workshops etc. of various universities and institutions.

He worked as musical advisor and orchestra conductor of “Türküler Bizi Söyler” program which has broadcasted as 18 chapters in TRT2. He worked as musical director, editor of repertory and performed as baglama artist in four albums (Bağdat Ellerinden Gelen Turnalar, Akama Tuna Akma, Havada Bulut Yok, Çıkayım Gideyim Urumeli’ne) for the Project of “Türkülerimiz Söylenir Üç Kıtada” which has published within the musical publications of the Main Office of Cultural Affairs of Metropolitan Municipality of İstanbul in the Memory of 700th Foundation Anniversary of Ottoman Empire.

Cihangir Terzi became Associate Professor at April, 2010 and Professor at 2015, published his book entitled “Türk Halk Müziğinde Metrik Yapı” by ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory Publications and instrumental solo album entitled “Târ-ı Yar” by Ada Music. He is working as a member of academic staff of ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory. Cihangir Terzi is married and has one child.