She started her music education in Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music State Conservatory Instrument Department in 1988, studied qanun with Prof. S.Sehvar Beşiroğlu. In 1994 she started her composition education in Composition department of the same conservatory, studied composition with Selahattin İçli, Mutlu Torun, Emin Sabitoğlu; had two master degrees from Turkish Music Program of ITU Social Sciences Institute (in 2001) and Composition department of ITU Center for Advanced Studies in Music Program(MİAM) (in 2002). She studied contemporary composition with Dr. Pieter Snapper and Dr. Ken Walitsky in MİAM; received her DMA degree in ITU Social Sciences Institute Turkish Music Program (2006). Some of her compositions were performed in reputable concert halls in İstanbul such as Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall , Institut Français de Turquie, Mustafa Kemal Concert Hall of ITU, Süreyya Opera House. 2008-2012 as one of the establishers of group ‘Nazenin’ she made all the arrangements of repertoire, also performed as qanun player and singer. She contrubuted to some album recordings with her.qanun. She established the group ‘Aşkname’ with Atilla Coşkun Toksoy and recorded the first album of the group “Aşkname- 20th Century Turkish Music” in 2015. She is also a member of ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory Turkish Music Ensemble. She has been playing kanun in national and international concerts, giving lectures in symposium and festivals in Turkey and abroad (Germany, Hungary, Russia, Sweden, Syria, Makedonia, Switzerland). Currently she is working as associate professor in ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory Instrument Department.