
Name and sirname of the Academic:

Eray Cömert

Title, Department:

Associate Prof. / Musicology Department

Areas of Study:

Musicology, Musics of âşık tradition, Musical culture of Anatolia

Bachelor’s degree/Masters/ Doctorate:

Doctorate: Musicology and Music Theory, İTÜ, 2017;
Master of Arts: Turkish Music İTÜ, 2011;
Bachelor of Arts: Musicology, İTÜ, 2008

İTÜ E-mail:

Web address (Personal or academic):




He completed his primary and secondary education in Kastamonu. He graduated from the Musicology Department of Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music State Conservatory and his master's and doctoral studies at the same university's Social Sciences Institute. He gave courses on bağlama and Turkish folk music in private and public institutions. He gave concerts in Turkey and abroad with various music groups. He conducted field studies on folk music and folk culture in various areas of Western Black Sea region in Turkey, especially in Kastamonu. He presented papers at various national and international symposiums. His master's thesis, which was completed in 2011, was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Dardanelles War in 2015 under the title of "Çanakkale Türküsü: Melodik Varyantlar Üzerine Analitik Bir İnceleme" [Çanakkale Song: An Analytical Study on Melodic Variants]. His researches on Anatolian music cultures, âşık music, multiculturalism, variant relations in folk melodies and music politics of the early Republican period were published in various national and international journals. Since 2017 he has been the editor of “Porte Akademik: Journal Music and Dance Studies”. He is currently a faculty member in the Musicology Department.